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Getting started

This tutorial will guide step by step on how to install RIVEMU, play cartridges, record tapes, replay tapes and verify tapes.

It's mandatory for those trying to grasp what RIV is, before actually developing games for it.

This tutorial will assume you are running commands in a POSIX compatible terminal emulator, such as the ones found natively on Linux and MacOS. If you don't have this set up in your system yet, then go set it up before continuing. For Windows you could check out MSYS2.


RIVEMU is all you need to install in your system for both playing and developing cartridges. To install RIVEMU you just need to download its binary for your system at GitHub releases page.

For example, if you are on a system with Linux x86_64, you can download with:

wget -O rivemu
chmod +x rivemu

After downloading, check if it's working properly with the -version command:

./rivemu -version
rivemu 0.3.0
libriv 0.3.0
platform: linux
architecture: amd64
build date: 2024-04-13 19:54:03 GMT

If you see a similar output, it should be working.

To make rivemu available in any shell in your system, I recommended installing it in your system environment PATH:

mkdir -p $HOME/.riv
mv rivemu $HOME/.riv/
echo 'export PATH=$HOME/.riv:$PATH' >> $HOME/.bashrc
export PATH=$HOME/.riv:$PATH

This way you should be able to type rivemu from any working directory in your system. The rest of this tutorial will assume rivemu is available in your PATH.

Playing cartridges

To play a cartridge you just need to download its respective .sqfs file and call rivemu using it as the first argument:

wget -O antcopter.sqfs
rivemu antcopter.sqfs

After executing the above commands a window with the Antcopter game should pop up. You should be able to play it using arrows and Z X keys.

You can test above the cartridge for this chapter.

Recording and replaying tapes

With RIV you can record gameplays sessions, we call them tapes, you can record a tape with -record option, and you can replay a tape with -replay options.

Let's record a tape for Antcopter:

rivemu -record=antcopter.rivtape antcopter.sqfs 1

Did you notice the 1 added argument? For this specific cartridge this argument will change the game parameters, it will set the number of lifes to 1, so go ahead and play until you die.

After you die the file antcopter.rivtape will be saved, and can re-watch you game play with:

rivemu -replay=antcopter.rivtape antcopter.sqfs 1

You will watch you die again. You can even replay in 2x speed with:

rivemu -replay=antcopter.rivtape -speed=2 antcopter.sqfs 1

If you inspect the tape file, it is very small, it's much cheaper to store just this file rather than a gameplay video.

Viewing tape outcards

Did you notice you had a score on the last screen when you died in Antcopter in last section? This score is also the game outcome, we call it outcard, you can replay and print the outcard from a tape you recorded with:

rivemu -replay=antcopter.rivtape -no-window -print-outcard -print-outhash antcopter.sqfs 1

Notice the -no-window option was added, because we just want to show the game final outcard, so there is no need to render every game frames at all, with this option the game is fast forwarded until it ends.

When executing the above command, the output should have something similar to:

[RIVEMU] Outcard:

An outcard in case of Antcopter is a JSON with a list of scores, but really could be any kind of file, like an image, or a state for saving the game.

Notice in this outcard, we can see the amount of deaths, frames and berries for this tape. In RIVES for instance this information can be used to create a applications that uses this information in smart contracts.

Verifying tape outcards

Notice in the last example we also added the option -print-outhash, this option should have printed a SHA-256 hash of the outcard like the following:

[RIVEMU] Outcard sha256sum:

This hash can be used to verify of tape outcomes did match an expected outcome,

rivemu -verify=antcopter.rivtape -verify-outhash=b30bbe797707c9d04c675ecbfbc862585b959b0d45ecb9aee9197c137eafffb7 -no-window antcopter.sqfs 1

If the outcard matches you should get the following output:

[RIVEMU] Outcard sha256sum verification SUCCEEDED!

In case you use the same hash of the above text, of course it will not match with the tape you recorded locally, change to the expected hash to see the SUCCEEDED! message.

Notice that in order to verify a tape you needed to have the combination of the cartridge, tape, parameters and outcard hash. RIVES for instance store all this information in smart contracts in order to verify tape outcomes.

Tapes can also be very useful while developing games, to check if game behavior is not impacted while you modify the game. You could create a test suite of tapes along with their respective outcard hashes, and then verify if they match while you do cosmetic changes in your game.

Other options

RIVEMU has many other options, mostly useful for developing cartridges, you can check the -help option to see its list. If you are interested learning more about them, go to the next chapter were we get into actually developing your first cartridge and learn about many options along the way.