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2 posts tagged with "jam"

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Jam #2 recap

· 6 min read
Rives core-team

JAM2 image

This post marks the end of RIVES JAM #2, this time with Forgotten Runes. We had over 36 participants join the jam, with 4 submissions. For this one, the theme was Magic, and participants had the opportunity to win 1 of 3 warrior NFTs offered by Forgotten Runes on top of the RIVES prize pool.

Jam #1 recap

· 6 min read
Rives core-team

Cookies powering pc

Jam #1 was jam-packed with cool games. The Jam was also hosted on and is the first in many RIVES jams to come!!

We had over 40 participants and 9 submissions for this first edition. The jam focused on retro games with metrics to establish a score. A metric system (that can be used to establish a score) was a requirement for this jam. RIVES can natively add players to leaderboards based on their scores, making this an interesting criteria for the jam.